Referring Physicians
What to expect
Fill out the necessary forms.
Please fill out and fax over our referral form and we’ll get to your patient as soon as you deem necessary.
Download form here.
Provide your notes on the patient.
Fax the last office visit notes and demographic information to help speed things along.
We'll follow up with you the same day as your patient's appointment.
The day of the appointment, we’ll send you a fax outlining our initial findings.
This will be followed by a more formal report, a few days later.
We’ve answered the most common questions asked by our referring physicians.
If you still have a question that we haven’t answered here, feel free to reach out to us
using the phone number at the bottom of this page.
In most cases, as soon as you deem necessary. If you need them seen today, we’ll try our best to make that happen.
We accept most insurances including Medicare Advantage Plans. We do not accept the VA insurance. If you have a specific plan that you would like to know about, please call us.
We will send a faxed note the same day we see the patient. This is followed by a formal dictated note a few days later.
We see patients from newborns to those well into their nineties.
Dr. Pelton’s practice is limited to Oculofacial Surgery. He does all types of eyelid surgery, eye socket surgery, lacrimal system surgery, facial fracture surgery as well as other facial procedures. He does NOT do general ophthalmology procedures such as glasses, contacts, cataract surgery, refractive surgery, glaucoma surgery or retinal surgery.